Mindfulness Links and Resources

The following links are listed to provide you with resources form mindfulness and meditation. Please also see our list of mental health resources.
Mindfulness Meditation
- Mindful.org | Healthy Minds, Healthy Life
- The Mindfulness Institute
- Compassionate Living
- Sustainable Compassion Training | Foundation for Active Compassion
- Mindsight Institute | Dan Siegel
- The Center for Nonviolent Communication
- Awareness in Action | Sustainable Wellbeing
- Greater Good Magazine: Science-Based Insights for a Meaningful Life
- The Charter for Compassion
- Center for Mindfulness | UMass Memorial Health
- Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy
- Mind & Life Institute
- Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice | Bangor University
- Wellspring Institute for Neuroscience and Contemplative Wisdom
Clinical Applications forMindfulness
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
Mindfulness for Education & Parenting
- Mindful Schools
- Association for Mindfulness in Education
- Mindfulness in Education Network (MiEN)
- The Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education
Buddhist Meditation Resources
- Stephen and Martine Batchelor
- Sharon Salzberg
- Insight Meditation Society
- Spirit Rock | Insight Meditation Center
- Insight Meditation Community of Washington, DC
- Dharma Seed
List courtesy of Dr. Kristin Neff, Self-Compassion: A Healthier Way of Relating to Yourself