Learn more about mindfulness meditation and cognitive behavioral therapy from premier Philadelphia CBT/MBCT therapist, Harold P. Kirby, LCSW/BCD.
What is OCD? Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a complex—and often debilitating—mental health condition characterized by recurrent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors (compulsions). These obsessions and compulsions can significantly interfere…
What is Harm OCD? There are many different fears that someone with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) may latch onto, and all of them can lead to severe distress. When OCD manifests as…
This is the second installment of the OCD Sufferer’s Forum, which is intended to inform people about the course, nature, and treatment of OCD. OCD Sufferer’s Forum: Second Story There…
This is the first installment of the OCD Sufferer's Forum, which is intended to inform people about the course, nature, and treatment of OCD. There is a lot of misinformation…
The truth is that many of us—if not all of us—are caught up in a mental race for life achievements. We're always planning, striving, and stressing about an uncertain future.…
OCD is often misdiagnosed and poorly treated. Find effective help for OCD. www.anxietyocdbala.com/help-with-ocd
There are many therapeutic approaches that have been created to help decrease human distress and suffering. In this article, I will talk about two particular approaches, as well as a…
The Chinese Finger Trap Have you ever tried a Chinese finger trap? You slide the index fingers of each hand into a woven tube, then try to remove your fingers.…
Mindfulness: identifying our thoughts, images and automatic reactivity to them—seeing our thoughts instead of being our thoughts. Paying attention For many years, as I ate meals I would often noticed…
What is meditation? The Pali word for meditation is "Bhavana," which means "to make grow" or "to develop." What is mindfulness? Mindfulness meditation is what comes from paying attention…